Clive Jordan

Clive Jordan

Clive Jordan grew up in South East London. Graduating from the University of Leeds with an Honours degree in Japanese and a passion for manga, he began working for international animation production companies.
After years licensing cartoons for other people, he realised there was more fun to be had writing and now creates funny children’s stories. He lives in the wilds of deepest darkest Kent (it's nearly a 10 minute walk to the nearest Tesco local) with his wife, their twins and a dogicidal maniac of a Boston terrier.
“Children are instinctively captivated by the natural world and I primarily started writing little stories about weird and wonderful creatures to entertain our twins. It’s vital now more than ever we encourage our children to grow and develop their interest in wildlife and environmental issues. Having been involved in licensing a lot of children’s TV/ movie IP – from Dangermouse, Sonic the Hedgehog to the animated Mr Bean series - and worked with many content creators, I came to the conclusion I could create equally entertaining and amusing characters and stories of my own.”

The second Arthur Banana book - "Arthur Banana and the Eyeballs of Doom" - is on its way!

Clive Jordan
Scruffbags the dogicidal maniac doing his best to keep out the drafts
Scruffbags the dogicidal maniac doing his best to keep out the drafts
Bird illustration